Samstag, 21. Oktober 2017
Das Dutzend ist voll
Ich muss mich selber immer noch kneifen, aber es ist wahr, am letzten Wochenende habe ich auf der Euro-Teddy in Essen sage und schreibe meine 12. Europameisterschaft gewonnen, mit Ribs und Rob, und ja, ich habe sie nach den Herren Ribery und Robben benannt, wobei der kleine Arjen natürlich auch auf den Namen Mr. Wembley hört.
Und wo ich schon mal dabei bin, die kleine Sunshine ist für den Excellence in Bear Artistry Award nominiert und würde sich riesig freuen über Unterstützung beim Online-Voting.
Dienstag, 5. September 2017
Preview for Hugglets
These are just some of the bears and friends who will be with me at Hugglets next Sunday. As always in September, you'll find us in hall 1, stand 48.
Montag, 10. Juli 2017
Ravelry and URSA-Voting
Voting in the URSA-Awards has started, and these are my entries for this year:
Thiago, the little sloth, in category 1 , Mad Hatter, inspired by Johnny Depp, in category 2 and Fu-Ban in category 11.
I would be really, really happy if you could vote for them :
The next big news is I finally managed to set up my Ravelry-store!!!!!The first pattern is Labbeduddl, a pair of fingerless gloves in entrelac-technique. This might not be the time of year and clearly not the temperatures to think about gloves, but winter is coming and if you start now, your gloves ( and some nice christmas presents) will be finished in time, most probably...
The pattern is availbale in English and German, with many photos that show you how to knit entrelac in the round.
Here is the link to the pattern:
Dienstag, 21. Februar 2017
Preview for Hugglets next Sunday.
These are just some of the bears and friends who will be with me at Hugglets next Sunday. To see more, please come and visit us in hall 1, stand 30.
Posts (Atom)
Bill and Ted in Tunisian crochet
Early this year, there were three things that I wanted to explore in Tunisian short rows: Spirals in all shapes, actual, non-abstract pict...

Early this year, there were three things that I wanted to explore in Tunisian short rows: Spirals in all shapes, actual, non-abstract pict...
With so many exciting things going on recently, I decided to pick up blogging again and give my long neglected blog a new design. Recently,...
Exactly three years ago, I was on a beautiful safari through some nationalparks in India. For my travel project, I could not decide between ...