Ich freu mich riesig: Robeart (gerade einmal 5cm groß) hat einen TOBY Industry's Choice Award in der Kategorie miniature bear undressed gewonnen.
I'm totally over the moon: Robeart (2" big) won a TOBY Industry's Choice Award!!!!
Und ja, ich weiß, dass es hier ziemlich ruhig ist in letzter Zeit. Das liegt daran, dass ich gerade ganz fleißig am Werkeln bin für die Hugglets Ende Februar. Ich hab da ein paart neue Designs im Kopf, die ich unbedingt umsetzen will und da bleibt einfach nicht so viel Zeit für den PC.
Und bitte nicht vergessen: Ich bin umgezogen, nach Halle 1, Tisch 30, genau gegenüber von meinem alten Standplatz.
I know, it has been quite here recently. The reason is, I've been working verx hard for Hugglets next month. I have several new designs in mind that I really want to realise until then.
And please Keep in mind: I've moved to hall 1, stand 30, just on the other aside of the isle
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Bill and Ted in Tunisian crochet
Early this year, there were three things that I wanted to explore in Tunisian short rows: Spirals in all shapes, actual, non-abstract pict...

Early this year, there were three things that I wanted to explore in Tunisian short rows: Spirals in all shapes, actual, non-abstract pict...
With so many exciting things going on recently, I decided to pick up blogging again and give my long neglected blog a new design. Recently,...
Exactly three years ago, I was on a beautiful safari through some nationalparks in India. For my travel project, I could not decide between ...